=== WordPress.com Stats ===
Contributors: automattic, skeltoac, mdawaffe, tmoorewp
Tags: stats, statistics, views
Requires at least: 2.8
Tested up to: 3.2.1
Stable tag: 1.8.6
WordPress.com stats has merged into Jetpack. Please use Jetpack instead of this plugin.
== Description ==
WordPress.com stats has merged into Jetpack and all future upgrades to WordPress.com Stats will only be available in Jetpack. Jetpack connects your blog to the WordPress.com cloud, enabling awesome features. Get Jetpack now!
== Screenshots ==
1. Your stats are displayed in a frame on your own blog's dashboard. There are graphs and several sections of charts below. You will need to be logged in at WordPress.com to see the stats. If you see a login box here, use your WordPress.com login.
2. Each post has its own graph.
3. You can add other WordPress.com users to the list of people allowed to see your stats.
== Installation ==
Please install Jetpack.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Can I keep using existing stat systems like Mint, Google Analytics, and Statcounter? =
Of course, nothing we do conflicts with any of those systems. We're just (hopefully) faster.
= How long before I start seeing stats? =
It may take as long as 20 minutes the first time you use it. After that they should update every 3 minutes or so.
= Does it count my own hits? =
There is an option to disable counting the hits of logged-in users.
= What if the stats don't start showing up? Do I need anything special in my theme? =
Yes, your theme must have a call to `` at the very bottom right before the `